Dark Side Of The Moon is one of the first albums in my youth that showed me how music can truly be Art. Besides the iconic and easily recognizable album art, what really differentiates it from the rest of is the fact that it’s a well thought out concept album where the songs revolve around the same story and theme. A timeless record that tackles philosophical and metaphysical beginning with a heart beat in the first track and end in the last one symbolizing that everything is cyclical. The more I I listened to it after I dug it out the more I realized the personal connection I still had with it, and the more entranced I became with every nuance of every song. There is no arguing that David Gilmour’s other worldly harmonies were a major force for me to paint him first; since this is going to be just a fragment canvas of a bigger connected series I’ll be working on, which includes the rest of the equally amazing band members ending perhaps with a ‘Great Big Gig In The Sky’. All in due ‘Time’.
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